Categories: 2014
      Date: 15.02.2014
     Title: DOG’S SHELTER

В рамках проекта "Волонтерство заради змін"  волонтеры из разных стран (Италия, Польша, Франция) посетили Ценр передержки животных Сумского ОЗЖ. Ребята активно помогают тем, кто в  этом нуждается.





Hello everyone! Our EVS in Sumy is going on every day.
Today we went to the Dog’s Shelter in Sumy. As this Saturday we were free, some students of the Bank Academy have invited us join them for their trip inside the shelter. We want to say to them spasiba for giving us this possibility.
In order to arrive at the shelter we took our fantastic MARSHRUTKA and I said for the first time “na astanovkie pazhausta!”. It was a funny moment for everyone.

As you can see in these pictures, during our trip inside the shelter, some of us took the dogs for a walk, run and they played with them.

And we also petted them. It has been a good morning!

In that shelter there are 200 dogs and it  is difficult to take care of them. Unfortunately, some of these dogs have different kind of diseases,sometimes due to abuses or they’re just very old. For this reason it is difficult to adopt them. The staff who works there try to feed them everyday,and they also provide for a warm place in particular for the puppies. Sadly, their equipment is not enough for all the dogs.
Some people during the weekend (also during the week) go there to help the staff or just to play with the dogs. I think that this is great! For everyone that would like to go there and would like to give some help or would know some informations I’m going to put the link of the shelter’s web site here.







